Do They Still Make Roman Meal Bread?

Roman Meal bread, a brand known for its wholesome and nutritious qualities, has been a staple in American households for over a century. But with so many new bread options on the market, some may wonder if Roman Meal is still being produced and sold. So, does this classic brand still have a place on grocery store shelves or has it been replaced by newer options? Let's take a look and find out if Roman Meal bread is still being made.


Yes, Roman Meal bread is still being produced and sold today. Roman Meal is a brand of bread that is made by the Roman Meal Company and is known for its nutritious, whole grain formula and its rich, hearty flavor. Roman Meal bread is made with a variety of whole grains, including wheat, oats, barley, and rye, and is a good source of fiber and other important nutrients. Roman Meal bread is widely available at a variety of retail outlets, including grocery stores, health food stores, and online retailers.

What's Special About Roman Meal Bread

Roman Meal Bread

Roman Meal Bread is a brand of whole wheat bread that is known for its nutritious and wholesome ingredients. It's made from a blend of whole wheat flour, water, yeast, and other ingredients that give it its characteristic texture and taste. What makes Roman Meal Bread special is that it's made from 100% whole wheat and it's fortified with added vitamins and minerals, providing a good source of whole-grain nutrition. The bread also has a hearty, nutty flavor that sets it apart from other types of bread. Roman Meal Bread is also known for its dense and heavy texture, which is a characteristic of whole-grain breads. The bread is a popular choice among health-conscious consumers and those who appreciate the nutritional benefits of whole wheat bread.

Whatever Happened To Roman Meal Bread

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Roman Meal is a brand of whole wheat bread that was first produced by the Roman Meal Company in the early 20th century. The bread is made with a variety of whole grains, including wheat, rye, oats and barley, and is known for its high fiber and nutritional content. The company was founded by Dr. Robert Jackson who created the recipe based on the idea of providing a healthy and nutritious bread alternative.

The company advertised the bread as a natural, healthy and nutritious option, different from the white breads that were common at the time. Roman Meal Bread quickly became popular and was distributed across the United States. Today, Roman Meal bread is still produced and marketed as a healthy bread alternative and it can still be found in select supermarkets and grocery stores. The company changed hands several times over the years and it is now owned by Bimbo Bakeries.

Where Can You Still Get Roman Meal Bread

There are some stores that carry this product, but they may only be available in select areas. You can check their availability at your local stores. Alternatively, you can also check the following links to check if the product is in stock: